
Filters are used to both extract data from "selector" TO_TYPEs and transform values. Some work only on strings, and others only on jQuery elements.

"filters": [
    "type": "text"
    "type": "trim"

This can be written as a shorthand as follows:

"filters": ["text", "trim"]

Or simply as:

"filters": "text,trim"

Note if you supply a filter as a string, it will be automatically converted as "type": "[string]", so you can mix simple and more complex filters in the array, but not if supplied as a comma separated string.

Filters can also be set on LOOKUP shorthand using a pipe as follows. Note that any space before or after the pipe is ignored.

    "to": "$('#productName') | text,trim"

jQuery elements

  • text: $el.text() - text of an element
  • first: $el[0] - first HTML element
  • src: $el.attr('src') - SRC of an element
  • href: $el.attr('href') - HREF of an element
  • class: $el.attr('class') - CLASS(es) of an element
  • content: $el.attr('content') - CONTENT attribute of an element
  • value: $el.val() - value of an input
  • display: $el.css('display') - the CSS "display" property ie "block" or "none"

jQuery element Filters: Complex


  • attr: $el.attr(params.attr)
"filters": {
    "type": "attr",
    "params": {
        "attr": "src"

String Filters

  • trim: trim whitespace from string
  • lowercase: lowercase string
  • uppercase: uppercase string
  • simple: get a string with only letters A through Z, numbers, hyphens and underscores.
  • number: converts a string to a number,
  • currency: converts a string to a number, taking into account the config.currencyDecimalDefault
  • decode: decodes a string using encodeURIComponent

String Filters: Complex


  • match: string.match(/([0-9])/)

Returns a string using regular expressions that matches a part of another string. For example, the below filter is used to get a product id where window.location.href would be something like:

"filters": {
  "type": "match",
  "params": {
    "match": "\/pid-([0-9]+)\.aspx"


  • concat: add a prefix and/or postfix to a string
"filters": {
  "type": "concat",
  "params": {
    "prefix": LOOKUP, // optional
    "postfix": LOOKUP // optional

Note that prefix and postfix are optional. You can supply one or both.

In this example, if our value starts as "HELLO" we end up with "START_HELLO_END".

"filters": {
  "type": "concat",
  "params": {
    "prefix": "START_",
    "postfix": "_END"


  • split: splits a string. If you specify an element that element is returned from the array, otherwise the whole array is returned.
"filters": {
  "type": "split",
  "params": {
    "on": ":",
    "element": 0 // OPTIONAL

If you do not specify any parameters, then it is split on an empty string, and the first element is returned.

Other Filters


  • length: gets an object's length. Works for strings and jQuery elements.


  • op: divide, multiply, plus, minus for numbers

Allows you to run operators as filters, including taking values from lookUps.

"filters": {
  "type": "op",
  "params": {
    "op": OPERATOR,
    "lookAt": LOOKUP

Valid operators:

  • / : divide value by filter value
  • * : multiply value by filter value
  • + : add filter value to value
  • - : minus filter value from value

In this example we set a product price using a line item lookup, divided by the quantity of that line item.

"filters": ["text", "number", {
  "type": "op",
  "params": {
    "op": "/",
    "lookAt": {
      "type": "var",
      "value": "$self.quantity"

Note the use of "$self" here. It can be used only in a loop-item to refer to the current object that hold our scraped information. Please see Lookups.


  • abs: returns the absolute value of a number. That is, if it is negative it returns the positive value, otherwise the value itself. If it isn't a number it will simply return the value.


  • stash_get_product_id: Uses the current value to look up a previously saved product ID given the simple filtered product name. This relationship is saved if the config.stashProductIds is true.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""